Gold in Rubbish Can..?

I study in a college, where there is held a Cultural Tech Fest. It happened to end few days ago happily with many people having enjoyed it. As if there exists any event... it is obvious that all he people will take the snapshot of that memory so for the memory to last many ages.
I too did that with my mobile phone which has an embedded camera of 3 mp. :|

I thought to share my memories with many of my friends in the FB. So I had to upload it to some PC first. I searched my PHONE via bluetooth from the Laptop that I own. It was only to find out that I have some problem in my Laptop bluetooth device... :( :( And I didn't install any software that could take photos from the mobile to Laptop.
Ohh.. Now I cannot share my memories with my friends miles away from me.

I was roaming in the corridor of my wing of Hostel. So box in between the path got my attention. I knew that was some dropped of thrash. I took few steps near it saw that was the cover of some samsung mobile..(mine is also samsung). I had preserved my own cover..but it was in sweet home where all the installation CD is there!! So I thought why that person s so careless...he might find it useful.
Few seconds later I reminded it was just the cover not the cable wires. :) That guy might have cleaned his room throwing out the waste. Since he cover box was considerable size, I got a strong feeling to KICK it. As soon as I kicked it box flew throwing out a CD... PC STUDIO..a software for Samsung mobiles. :) :) :)


Yesterday, I was riding back to hostel on my cycle and was observing my surroundings. As no person was roaming around me or was riding past me.. my eyes fell on a dry big tree. Anyone from it's size of trunk can say it might be of about 15 years of age. It was no erect, i mean it was in a way seemed being twisted from it's childhood. But that structure may not be appreciated by a wood cutter, but can be by any other human.
I was just watching it and slowly riding my cycle.. i mean riding in a damn slow speed.!
Everyone knows tree are living things that can do anything that other living things can do but except for one thing they are immovable. I felt one thing that if a human is loses anyone of the beautiful sense of his then, Almighty Lord compensate him with other strong senses. But since those beautiful tree had been taken out the right of moving then what did The Lord compensate them with?
I know we cannot know what the Lord does!! But we make many hypothesis. Search for the clues that can prove our hypothesis true. In that search we come across many other hypothesis and work vigorously to tell them true. Until our thirsty brain is not satisfied the quest of knowledge will not END!
As a unsatisfied mind, I also feel what if we are made immovable although world around us is keep moving? So for to know what the beautiful creatures feel let's do one thing...
1) Apply grease to your fingers then say someone to take a smooth thread to keep it in your nose when you close your eyes and then CLOSE your EYES.
How did you feel? :) I know no one might have tried this. But one can know the intensity of the situation. It is the same for those creatures standing still what ever Humans do to it!!

In this busy world I don't think I would carry myself in the quest of What did the Lord gave the tree? Still in the corner of my mind I still feel Those immovable creatures had been growing from the time they were a seed to the present. They had grown observing the people around them. I feel they can sense many things and always try to communicate with the people. But there has always been the language barrier. If that barrier were not there??? Cutting down those innocent tree would have been considered a MURDER. Their cry for help might have melted many woodcutter which might have made woodcutter opt for other profession.! So nice for the Tree lovers!!