Self Affirmation
Posted by: True - Sunday, February 20, 2011

Posted by: True - Friday, February 18, 2011

DATE: 18th Feb 2011.
Today at 9o'clock I will have Maths Mid Semester Exam. It's duration will be 2 long Hours!!
I remember the day, three months ago i.e 21st Nov 2010 when I had Mathematics End semester Exam. That day, I think for the first time in my Life I thought I would FAIL in MATHEMATICS exam. For the First time!!!
I don't know what really happened to me at that moment, but I was sure i was not able to think anything. I mugged up all the formulas and went to the Exam Hall to see that I forgot EVERYTHING!!! I couldn't make out WHY?? I could do nothing. I wanted to Bring some or the other answer.. but a Answer which I couldn't bring. I started writing the question down on the paper, and I wanted to make an analysis of the question and write something. But I couldn't think anything. Harder I tried.. Tired I became. I couldn't make any thing out of the paper. I started feeling sleepy.!!! I started gaping at the walls and at my friends filling up the pages. I was sure I was gonna FAIL this exam!! I was afraid. Then I convinced myself.. I will have to attend summer Quarter( this is for the students who failed the semester exams). This took a little time. After a thought came to my Idle brain. if I as gonna Fail this exam then why was i siting in that Hall!!!
I wanted to stand up and walk out of the room. But my conscience said to wait. I was in a dilemma what to do. ??? I am boy who gives more preference to conscience than to anything. I don't why..but I do that!! So I was determined not to leave the Hall. I took hold of the pen, and started deriving the formula's myself. Deriving formula's was sure a though Job. But I didn't had any other way to take. I don't cheat exams.. that's what I am. Utilizing the time I at last I derived a formula... few questions can be now answered. I still didn't had any confidence I could pass this exam. I tried harder still I couldn't derive any other formula. I did sit the whole time of 3 hour( End sem exams r generally 3 hour ). Gave the paper, still convincing me I will attend Summer quarter.
All this time of 3 hours was something I would never forget in my life. Few moments later I noticed I was afraid in the examination hall because I was going to fail. I thought why did it create me the sensation of fear in my heart.?? Why?? Why does feeling of Failure in the examination create sensation of FEAR. !!! This shouldn't be a mystery..since it's my heart .. my mind..my feeling!!! Answers should be open to at least to me.
1) First fear that came to my mind was scolding I would be getting from my parents!!
They have a reason to scold me.and for I to listen. They had been wasting a lot of money for my studies. Though they care about my future than their money still!! If I am not able to get marks, where can I get a Job to live on my own feet. I was not able to live up to the expectations of my parents.I should have practiced more. I am no one to change the past. So I thought I should learn something and make sure I will always live up to their expectations. :) :)
2)If I think, from the next time I will live up to their expectations and would their anything I will fear for?? I couldn't make any other reason. I started feeling ashamed for being afraid of my own parents!
:( :(
I came to my hostel room. 6m x 6m room. I couldn't think for any think else.. I gave a call to my Mum, she said Hello,, I couldn't bear tears started flowing down my cheeks. I said my performance in today's exam was not good enough to talk abt. That's all I could talk, then my Mum said from my voice Sometimes it happens. Don't feel bad. Don't remember today's exam or your other exams might also go wrong.
I could say nothing or could she!! So she said she would with me later. It gave me a break. It had been a long time I have cried before, probably abt 2 long years.!!
Now that End sem Maths exams is Past. But memories are still New. These new memories were in my mind entering today's examination hall!!
Gold in Rubbish Can..?
Posted by: True - Thursday, January 27, 2011
Posted by: True - Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Words go on... Life goes on...
Posted by: True - Monday, September 27, 2010
Now discussing with my friends I remembered Bruce Lee. He was one of the finest fighters world has ever known. The spirit of learning and practise of Bruce can inspire anyone. He used to fight and defeat 2 people in suppose 10 sec, he will be sad for that because he took a lot of time(for him). That attitude made him very fast. His punches were mad slow in the cinemas for the spectators for the movie to perceive the shot. This teaches us one major thing to live in this wonderful competitive world were life is a RACE. If u are slow, we would fall and die due to the stampede because there are many competers.
All this world is always taken to be race field. Why cannot we live a peaceful life. Won't there be a fame and money if we live for ourselves but not due to the feeling that others are running fast in the race? Why should live only for these things..fame and/or money? Can't there be a way which doesn't keeps us tensed? That is always peaceful?
World will shout "NO".
This is the quote that goes in mind when i can't find any way. It inspired me when I was in 5 grade. But I could really use it when in 9 grade. That time this quotation gave me inner strength and ultimately I could accomplish it (that was a small puzzle gave to us in our class).
So coming to our blog the will here is That question. So what could be the answer.
After making a lot of understanding the news coming from the newspaper, enthusiastic people who are killing themselves to make money, those who waste money for many unwanted things.. I came to know one thing.
To understand it again to make myself clear with that lets make an analysis my observation....so keep watching. I think the analysis and the answer would be great.
T Shirt design...Shaurya (IIT KGP)
Posted by: True - Sunday, September 26, 2010
After Many days I am about to start Blogging again...Now again my bro persuaded to do this...okay leave it.
Hi..Now in my mind goes the ideas for making a T shirt designs...for what? My College conducts Shaurya every year. This is an event held for athletics. This events include race with foot, ball games like volley, football & they don't include cricket. Yeah, but they include hockey. And there will be NO swimming. At these events they will have few volunteers and the organising committee should give the shirts for those poor fellows. For that they are conducting an event VIRTUOSO. In this event only First Years can present their ideas for a T-Shirt. It's not that seniors can't do that, but they want a sincere contribution from Freshers. And for this event I too liked to do it. But I couldn't figure out their email ID to submit it in soft copy or making an hard copy was out of scope because it needs some colors. And i thought it to mess. So I didn't take any step of preparing a T-shirt. Today Morning..My friend came to me saying he got a brilliant idea for preparing a T shirt design. I was too sleepy at that time...it wasn't too early, but i was sleeping till late. From that time, we were engrossed in making a design. We had to take a break in the middle for lunch. While having it I was thinking nothing but T shirt. Later after many erasing and editing we made it at last. But that picture it came lacked clarity. Still he said those people only want the Idea, not the actual clarity. So he convinced me by telling that & we at last posted keeping both names. He left saying he would return after 2 hours to make another design. I opened many sites for making shirt. He didn't return. So I left it. The winner would be given 10k worth appliances. I told dad about this he said if I would win he will give me the amount. That made me happy, but I don't have any confidence to win it. That all depends on HIS will.
Posted by: True - Wednesday, July 14, 2010
One worthily work i have done yesterday was signing up in Blog spot. Thanks to my Bro.
I had a whole two months holidays, which yielded me nothing. The days & nights went on & on, they waited for none.
I was not in touch with my friends who went for coaching classes in c programming. Now i stand there knowing nothing for my further studies.... I would be leaving the home to move into a hostel for the first time in next few days for joining in the IIT - KGP ( Computer Science Dual degree) . Feeling that i gonna to hostel gives me fear & no sorrow. Fear is because i will be thrown into a complete new group of people.
All these holidays i would only remember that i have been playing games on the Face book. And i regret for wasting most valuable holidays for nothing. I wish i could have learnt playing Guitar or car driving or some thing or the other.
These holidays could have been wonderful if i would have opted for some tour to few places where my bro went last year in the name of INDUSTRIAL TOUR.... Hmm
Regretting on past will not melt the heart of TIME, it will not stop or even turn back to see it's trail. It has a great character which has mountain height determination ( even more).
Now i will have to plan what should be my next move in the world where i know nothing???